Life More Relaxed With Smart Insurance

Having life insurance is a smart choice for us, where you can get many benefits from a life insurance.

Insure your life and
Lifeplan will invest in you.

We match up to 100% of your life insurance premium into a Wealth Bonus that tracks the market like an investment. Every premium you pay helps create wealth for your future

Lifeplan gives affordable
term life insurance in

  1. Report Claim for insurance
  2. Claim Processing for insurance
  3. Final Settlement for insurance

Lifeplan gives
affordable term life

Lifeplan is a multinational financial services company. It’s main business is insurance

Corporations are registered according to the governing laws of a specific state. 

Built from the ground up for the internet generation

Do everything online in no time.

Get quoted and converted in under 10 minutes online. No paperwork or waiting.

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Better insurance, at the best possible price.

Get quoted and converted in under 10 minutes online. No paperwork or waiting.

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Skip premiums. For when life happens.

Let's you proactively skip premiums without losing cover or reducing your Wealth Bonus.

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Lifeplan Gives affordable term life

Corporations are registered according to the governing laws of a specific state.

Which are the network hospitals in your vicinity?

To avail a cashless settlement of your claim, you should be admitted in a network hospital. A company  has a list of such hospitals and you need.

Will I get covered for my pre-existing illnesses?

Every insurer exclude coverage on the pre-existing illnesses for certain tenure at the starting of the policy. You need to find out what this period.

What are the documents required for claiming?

A pre-authorization form is required in case of cashless claims which are to be submitted to the TPA. Other might also be.

Is maternity covered in health insurance policies?

No. As health insurance policy is designed to cover unforeseen medical expenses a normal health insurance policy does not cover maternity expenses. 

Built from the ground up for the internet generation

"Love mathematics because of Lifeplan Academy"

“The curriculum was directly targeted toward applied techniques with high profile projects – real datasets with industry partners. It helped me achieve my career transition goal.” 

Wilson Thai

Ontario, Canada

"There is so much to see and do all over the world"

“The curriculum was directly targeted toward applied techniques with high profile projects – real datasets with industry partners. It helped me achieve my career transition goal.” 

Milena Belmar

Ontario, Canada

You've come to the right place.

Lifeplan is a multinational financial services company. It’s main business is insurance.


Lifeplan is a multinational financial company.

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